The Constitution of Monaco

of December 17, 1962


Last updated April 10, 2003



The legislative powers are jointly exercised by the Prince and the National Council (article 4).


A unique assembly of eighteen individuals are elected for five years by direct universal suffrage and open vote from a list of citizens of either gender above the age of twenty-one of Monegasque nationality since at least five years (article 53)


who are subject to legitimacy as determined by the courts (article 55).


The Commune is administrated by a municipality composed of the mayor and deputies designated by the communal council from amongst its members (article 79).


These fifteen deputies are elected for four years by direct universal suffrage and open vote (article 80)


 from a list of citizens of either gender above the age of twenty-one, and of Monegasque nationality since at least five years (article 79).


 under the State's authority the communal Counsil deliberates the communes affairs.