Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate
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Article 15

(1) The Central Electoral Bureau shall have the following main attributions:

a) to oversee the unitary implementation of the legal provisions on the elections and to ensure the unitary interpretation of their provisions;

b) to ensure the publication in OJ, Part I, of the list including the names and electoral signs of the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, and legally set up organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, which have a right to participate in the elections, and to communicate the list of all electoral bureaux of constituency, immediately after their setting up;

c) to solve the objections referring to its own activity and the contestations regarding the activity of the electoral bureaux of constituency; the contestations shall be solved by decisions which are mandatory for the electoral bureau in cause, as well as for the public authorities and institutions to which it refers, under the sanctions stipulated by the present title; 

d) to make the publications and the posters stipulated by the present title regarding the candidatures;

e) to centralise, based on the communiqués received from the electoral bureaux of constituency, the number of final candidatures in the uninominal colleges submitted by the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities; to communicate the centralised situation, within 24 hours of the drawing up, to the special committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for the granting of airtimes, as well as to the Romanian Television Company and Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company;

f) to set, based on the minutes sent by the electoral bureaux of constituency, the list of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities which have met the electoral threshold, and to communicate these lists to the electoral bureaux of constituency, and make them public within 24 hours of the finding;

g) to annul the elections in a polling station if they find that the vote or the setting of the election result was carried out by electoral fraud;

h) they may request for the counting of votes in a polling station or for the remaking of the centralisation of votes and election result in a uninominal college if they find, based on the administrated proofs, that errors have been made, or inconsistencies between the data entered in the minutes have been registered;

i) to totalise the national result, based on the minutes received from the electoral bureaux set up at inferior levels;

j) to send to the Permanent Electoral Authority, after the publication of the election results in OJ, Part I, the materials necessary for the editing of the White Book on Elections;

k) to set, at national level, the number of mandates due in each constituency to each political party, political alliance, electoral alliance, organisation of citizens belonging to a national minority, independent candidate participating in the elections under the terms of the present title;

l) to attest the granting of a mandate of Deputy to the organisation of citizens belonging to national minorities that have met the terms stipulated in article 9 1), and to issue the proving certificate to the Deputy appointed on this basis;

m) to send the final election results to be published by the “Monitorul Oficial” R.A.;

n) to organise and implement a system for collecting data and periodically informing the public opinion on the presence of the population in the vote, based on a representative pattern at county and national level;

o) to fulfil any other attributions incumbent upon them according to the present title.

(2) If for the settlement of a contestation they need checking of facts, these shall be done in the presence of a judge from the Central Electoral Bureau. Such verifications may not be done on the election day.

(3) The request to annul the elections in a uninominal college for electoral fraud may only be done by the electoral competitors who have participated in the elections in the respective college. The request shall be submitted to the Central Electoral Bureau within 24 hours of the close of poll, under the sanction of decline. The request must be solidly justified and accompanied by the proofs on which it is based. The lack of proofs shall entail the rejection of the request. The request may only be approved if the person who submitted it is not involved in the causing of the fraud, and only if they find that this fraud was of such nature as to amend the granting of the mandates. The settlement of the request to annul the elections by the Central Electoral Bureau may only be made until the date of publication of the election result in OJ, Part I. Within no more than 10 days of the date of approving the request to annul the elections they shall organise a new ballot in the polling stations where they have found the electoral fraud. The bureau of constituency along with the local public authorities shall ensure the good conduct of the new ballot, with the proper implementation of the present title. Until the new results are got they shall suspend the electoral operations regarding the counting of votes and finding of the results.

(4) In the exercise of the attributions incumbent upon them according to the present title, the Central Electoral Bureau shall adopt decisions and resolutions. The decisions of the Central Electoral Bureau shall be given for the unitary interpretation of the law and are generally mandatory. The decisions of the Central Electoral Bureau shall be given in the implementation of the provisions of the present law, as well as in the settlement of the objections and contestations which they have the competence to solve. The decisions of the Central Electoral Bureau shall be mandatory for all public authorities and institutions, electoral bureaux, as well as for all bodies with attributions in electoral matter, from the date of notification in open meeting. The decision shall be made public by open meeting and by any means of publicity, and the resolutions shall be published in OJ, Part I.

(5) Repealed.

6) The Central Electoral Bureau shall cease its activity after 48 hours of the publication in OJ, Part I, of the election result, according to the provisions of the present title.