Home > 1.3.2 Freedom of voters to express their wishes > SLOVAKIA - Act on Elections to the Bodies of Self-government Regions and on Amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure
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Article 18

Article 18

Ballot Papers
             (1)       The Chairman of Regional Election Commission in co-operation with the Regional Office shall be responsible for correct data on printed ballot papers.
             (2)       Each election district shall have all candidates printed on one ballot paper. The ballot paper shall be printed in letters of identical type, size, and on paper of the same colour and quality.
            (3)       The candidates in the ballot paper shall be listed in alphabetical order with order number, full name, academic degree, age, occupation, and the name of the political party, which delivered nomination paper or a note indicating an independent candidate, as well as number of regional Council deputies to be elected in the respective district.
            (4)       All candidates and their details must be printed exclusively on one side of a ballot paper. The ballot papers bear a stamp of the Regional Election Commission at the end of the list of candidates.
            (5)       The Regional Office shall arrange the delivery of ballot papers to municipalities: the municipalities shall arrange the delivery of ballot papers to the Ward Election Commissions not later than on the polling day.
            (6)       The electors will be given ballot papers inside the polling station on the polling day.