Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > ALBANIA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on the Legislative Initiative of the Citizens
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Paragraph 15

Numerous OSCE commitments stress the role of transparency in public affairs. In paragraph 10 of the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document the participating States have reaffirmed “their commitment to ensure effectively the rights of the individual to know and act upon human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to contribute actively, individually or in association with others, to their promotion and protection, the participating States express their commitment to.” Also in this context, the concept of “legislative transparency” is considered to be particularly important. OSCE participating States have specifically committed to ensure that “[l]egislation will be formulated and adopted as the result of an open process reflecting the will of the people, either directly or through their elected representatives” (OSCE Moscow Document 1991) and to “secure environments and institutions for peaceful debate and expression of interests by all individuals and groups of society” (OSCE Maastricht Document 2003). The OSCE has also recognised the vital role that civil society has to play in this regard. It also strives to promote equally effective participation of men and women in political, economic, social and cultural life.