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Article 23

Central Electoral Commission Apparatus

(1) The Central Electoral Commission is assisted by an apparatus, which structure and personnel is approved by the Commission. The apparatus staff is composed of civil servants who are subject to the provisions of Law No.158-XVI of 4 July 2008 on Public Function and Status of Civil Servants and of contracted personnel who carry out ancillary activities and who are subject to the provisions of labour law. The apparatus staff shall be appointed or hired by the Chairperson of the Commission under the law. During the electoral period (parliamentary elections, presidential elections, general local elections, new elections and republican referenda), the Central Electoral Commission may hire, as appropriate, using individual employment contracts, personnel within the Commission apparatus, detaching the new employees from their full-time job.

(2) Remuneration of permanent employees of the Central Electoral Commission apparatus is done in compliance with the legislation in force. For the electoral period (parliamentary elections, presidential elections, general local elections, new elections and republican referenda), they are granted an indemnity of 35-per cent of the average salary. In exceptional cases, with the agreement of the employee, the duration of the working periode may derogate from the ceilling established in Art. 104 (5) of the Labor Code and art. 19 of Law no. 158/2008 on civil service  and the status of civil servant.