Home > 1.3 Free suffrage > ICELAND - Local Government Elections Act No. 5/1998
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Article 81

[Should the presiding election board and list agents agree that any ballot is invalid it shall be deemed to be so. Should there be disagreement among members of the election board as to the validity of a ballot the majority of votes shall determine the outcome. Disputed ballots shall be ruled upon as soon as they appear. It shall be entered in the record book how many ballots are invalid and the reasons for this.

In the event of a dispute between the election board and any of the agents as to whether a ballot is valid or invalid, these ballots shall be placed in two special envelopes, one for ballots which the election board has ruled to be valid and the other for ballots which it has ruled to be invalid.

Once votes have been counted under the close scrutiny of agents, the presiding election board shall enter the results of the elections in the record book and announce them to persons in attendance. A check shall be made that the total number of votes is equal to the total number of persons who have voted in the municipality, according to the reports of the subordinate election boards, and that this fits with the total number of unused ballots.]1)

1) Act No. 27/2002, Art. 23.