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Article 38

Financial Support for the Preparation and Conduct of the Elections of the President of Ukraine at the Expense of Funds from the State Budget of Ukraine

1. The Central Election Commission shall provide financial support for the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine at the expense of funds from the State Budget of Ukrai­ne and shall be the main administrator of those funds.

2. The amount of funds for the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine, on the proposal of the Central Election Commission, shall be envisaged by a separate line in the Law on the State Budget of Ukraine.

3. The Central Election Commission and the territorial election commissions shall allocate expenses for the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine, including those for prin­ting information posters of the candidates to the post of President of Ukraine, for publishing pre-election programs of the candidates in mass media, and for buying broadcasting time on radio and television, according to budget schemes approved by the Central Election Commission, of expenditures, from the funds for the preparation and conduct of the elections envisaged in the State Budget of Ukraine.

4. Funds for the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine, envisaged in the State Budget of Ukraine, shall be transferred to the Central Election Commission within three days from the day of the beginning of the election process.

5. The Central Election Commission shall adopt standard rates of expenditures for the territorial election commission and standard rates of expenditures for the needs of polling station election commissions, which must include, in particular, expenses for the property rent (lease) of the premises of election commissions, costs for the utility of material and technical means and remuneration for the work of the members of election commissions.

6. The territorial election commission shall, within ten days after its formation and on the basis of the standard rates of expenditures, draft a general estimate of expenditures for the preparation and con­duct of the elections, which shall include its own expenditures and expenditures for the needs of polling station election commissions. The Central Election Commission shall approve the general esti­mate of expenditures.

7. Financing of the election commissions shall be provided according to the procedure established by the Central Election Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

8. The territorial election commission shall, no later than within seven days after the day of the official announcement of the results of the elections of the President of Ukraine, return the funds to the State Budget of Ukraine via the account of the Central Election Commission that has not been utilized for the preparation and conduct of the elections. The State Treasury of Ukraine shall within three days notify the Central Election Commission on the receipt of such funds.

9. The territorial election commission shall, within fifteen days after the day of the official announ­cement of the results of the elections, draft a financial report on the receipt and use of funds from the State Budget for the preparation and conduct of the election of the President of Ukraine and sub­mit it to the Central Election Commission according to the procedure established by the Central Elec­­tion Commission and using the form approved by the Central Election Commission together with the State Treasury of Ukraine.

10. The Central Election Commission and respective bodies of the State Control and Audit Service of Ukraine shall exercise control over the adequate and appropriate use of funds from the State Bud­get of Ukraine allocated for the preparation and conduct of the elections of the President of Ukraine ac­cording to the procedure established by the Central Election Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

11. Compensation to creditors for debts left by territorial election commissions after the termination of their authorities, given that the financing of the elections of the President of Ukraine within the funds envisaged in the State Budget of Ukraine for the preparation and conduct of the elections is incomplete, shall be provided by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine prior to the end of next financial year.