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Article 83

Determining the Results of the Vote within the Territorial Election District

1. The territorial election commission shall, after it has received and considered the protocols of the polling station election commissions on the count of the votes of voters in the election precincts, including those marked "Corrected", on the basis of the protocols of polling station election commissions on the count of the votes of voters in the election precincts and the notifications about the content of such polling station election commission protocols transmitted by technical communication means from special election precincts created on board vessels at sea under the State Flag of Ukraine on the day of elections, at polar stations of Ukraine, and from election precincts abroad, and in the event of a repeat count of the votes of the voters - on the basis of the protocol of the territorial election commission on the repeat count of the votes of voters in the respective election precinct, determine:

1) the number of election ballots received by the territorial election commission;

2) the number of election ballots invalidated by the territorial election commission;

3) the number of election ballots received by polling station election commissions of the territorial district;

4) the number of voters included in the list of voters in the election precincts of the territorial district;

5) the number of unused election ballots;

6) the number of voters who received election ballots;

7) the number of voters who participated in vote within the territorial election district;

8) the number of election ballots deemed void;

9) the number of votes of voters cast for each candidate to the post of the President of Ukraine; and

10) the number of voters who did not support any candidate to the post of the President of Ukraine.

2. The information on the results of the vote within the territorial district shall be entered in figures and in words into the protocol of the territorial election commission on the results of the vote within the territorial election district. The information, mentioned in clauses 3 to 10 of part one of this article, shall be entered both for each election precinct that is a part of the territorial election district and aggregated for the whole territorial election district.

3. The protocol on the results of the vote within the territorial election district shall be completed by the territorial election committee in a number of copies that exceeds the number of persons who are members of the territorial election commission by three. The copies of the protocol shall be enumerated and shall have equal legal force.

4. It is prohibited to complete the protocol on the results of the vote within the territorial election district with pencil, as well as to make any corrections to it, without an appropriate decision of the territorial election commission.

5. The protocol on the results of the vote within the territorial election district shall be signed by the chairperson, the deputy chair, the secretary and by the other members of the territorial election commission who are present at the session of the commission, and it shall be certified with the seal of the territorial election commission. The protocol shall contain the date and time (hour and minutes) when the member of the territorial election commission signed it. If a signature of a member of the territorial election commission is missing, the reason for the absence of the signature shall be indicated in the protocol opposite his/her name. Candidates, their proxies and official observers, who were present during the determination of the results of the vote within the territorial election district, shall have the right to sign the first copy of the protocol. If the territorial election commission reveals any inaccuracy (a typo or mistake in figures) after the aforementioned protocol has been signed and before it is sent to the Central Election Commission, it shall at its session consider the issue about entering the changes to the protocol by compiling a new protocol, which shall be marked "Corrected". A protocol with the mark "Corrected" shall be completed and signed in accordance with the procedure and in the number of copies established by this article.

6. The territorial election commission shall send the first copy of the protocol of the territorial election commission on the results of the vote within the territorial election district, and in case changes have been made to this protocol - also the protocol containing the inaccuracies (typos or mistakes in figures) to the Central Election Commission together with the respective protocols and acts of the polling station election commissions, decisions taken on the basis of these acts, and, in case such exist, protocols of the territorial election commission on the repeat count of the votes of voters within the respective election precinct within the territorial election district, dissenting opinions of members of the territorial election commission executed in written form, statements and complaints about violations of the procedure for determining the results of the vote within the territorial election district committed by the territorial election commission and the decisions taken by the territorial election commission as a result of its consideration of them, the second copy of the protocol shall be kept in the territorial election commission, the third - shall immediately be posted in the premises of the territorial election commission for public familiarization, while the rest shall be distributed to the members of the territorial election commission, one copy to each.

7. The candidates to the post of President of Ukraine, their proxies and official observers shall have the right on their request to immediately obtain a copy of the protocol of the territorial election commission on the results of the vote in the territorial election district and, in case such exist, of the protocol on the repeat count of the votes of voters in the respective election precinct in the amount of no more than one copy of each protocol per candidate and per official.