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Article 91

Determination of the Results of Elections for Local Councils of Deputies by the Territorial Electoral Commissions
The territorial electoral commission on elections of the Oblast and the Minsk City Council of Deputies, on the basis of respective records of the district electoral commissions on elections of the Oblast Council of Deputies and of territorial electoral commissions that exercise in the districts of the City of Minsk the powers of district electoral commissions on elections to the Minsk City Council of Deputies, whereas the territorial electoral commissions on elections of the regional, town, settlement or rural Council of Deputies on the basis of the records of the precinct electoral commissions and the records on the results of elections in the electoral districts shall summarise the results of elections of the respective local Council of Deputies and register the deputies elected for each electoral district.
The territorial electoral commission may recognise the elections as invalid if violations of the requirements of this Code took place in the course of elections or during the count of votes or determination of the results of the elections that influenced the results of the elections or do not allow the true determination of the results of the expression of will of the electors and may deny registration of the deputy.