ARMENIA - Constitution (2015)
BELARUS - Constitution (2004)
BULGARIA - Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (2023)
CYPRUS- Constitution of Cyprus (1960)
CZECH REPUBLIC - Constitution (1993)
FINLAND - Constitution (2011)
FINLAND - Constitution (2018)
FRANCE - Extracts of the Constitution (1995)
GEORGIA - Extracts of Constitution (2006)
GREECE- Extracts of the Constitution (1975)
HUNGARY - Extracts of the Constitution (2013)
ITALY - Extracts of the Constitution (1947)
KAZAKHSTAN - Constitution (2011)
LIECHTENSTEIN- Extracts of the Constitution (1921)
LITHUANIA - Extracts of the Constitution (1992)
MOLDOVA - Extracts of the Constitution (1994)
THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Extracts of the Constitution (1995)
TUNISIA - Constitution (2014)
TÜRKIYE - Extracts of the Constitution (2001)
2DENMARK - Local and Regional Government Elections Act (2024)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2021)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2022)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2016)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2018)
ARMENIA- Electoral Code (2007)
AUSTRIA - Federal Law on the Election of the National Council (National Council Election Regulation 1992 – NRWO) (1992)
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2019)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2000)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2015)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2013)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2019)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2020)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2021)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2014)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2023)
COSTA RICA - Electoral Act (2009)
CROATIA - Act on the Election of National Minority Councils and Representatives (2019)
CROATIA- The Law on the election of the President (1992)
CZECH REPUBLIC - Act on Elections to the Parliament (2006)
DENMARK - Parliamentary Election Act (2014)
DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act (2019)
DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act (2020)
DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act (2024)
ESTONIA - President of the Republic Election Act (2013)
FINLAND - Elections Act (2016)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2021)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2016)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2018)
GERMANY - Federal Electoral Regulations (2017)
HUNGARY - Act C on Electoral Procedure (1997)
HUNGARY - Act No XXXIV of 1989 on the Election of Members of Parliament (1989)
KOSOVO - Law No. 03/L-072 on Local Elections (2008)
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - Electoral Code (2004)
LITHUANIA - Law on Elections to the Seimas (2012)
LITHUANIA - Law on Presidential Elections (2012)
LITHUANIA - Law on Presidential Elections (2013)
MALTA - General Elections Act (2023)
MEXICO - General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico (2014)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2019)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament) (2017)
MOLDOVA- Law on the Election of the President (1996)
MONTENEGRO - Law on the Election of the President (2023)
MONTENEGRO - The Decree on Proclamation of the Law on Election of the President of Montenegro (2016)
MONTENEGRO- Law on the Election of Councillors and Representatives (2002)
POLAND - Election of the President (2004)
POLAND - Parliamentary Election Law (2001)
REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Electoral Code (2022)
ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities (2022)
ROMANIA - Law no. 115 for the election of local public administration authorities, amending the Law of local public administration no. 215/2001, as well as amending and supplementing Law no. 393/2004 on the statute of local elected offi cials (2015)
ROMANIA - Law No. 370 (2024)
ROMANIA - Law no. 370 on the election of the President of Romania Republished (2004)
ROMANIA - Law on the Election of the President of Romania (2022)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Federal Law on Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation (2011)
SAN MARINO - Compilation of Electoral Legislation ()
SAN MARINO - Electoral Procedures for the Special Polling Station of the State Hospital in the Elections of the Heads of the Township Councils and of the Township Councils and Amendments to Delegated Decree no. 117/2007 for Home Voting (2009)
SAN MARINO - Special polling station for homebound voters in the territory (2007)
SERBIA - Law on Election of the President of the Republic (2009)
SERBIA - Law on the Election of the President of the Republic (2022)
SLOVAKIA - Act on conditions for the exercise of the right to vote (2019)
SLOVAKIA - Act on Election of the President of the Slovak Republic, Plebiscite, Recalling of President and Amending of some other Acts (2008)
SLOVAKIA - Law on Procedure of the Election of the President, on Plebiscite and Removal of the President and on Supplementation of several other Laws (1999)
SLOVENIA - Local Elections Act (2023)
SLOVENIA- National Assembly Elections Act (2000)
TÜRKIYE - Law on Presidential Elections with Amendments made by Laws 7062, 7102 and 7140 (2018)
TÜRKIYE - Presidential Elections Law (2013)
UKRAINE - Law on Elections of People's Deputies (2001)
UKRAINE - Law on Elections of the President (2004)
ARMENIA - First Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Constitution (Charters 1 to 7 and 10) (2015)
ARMENIA - Joint Opinion on the Draf Electoral Code (As of 18 April 2016) (2016)
ARMENIA - Second Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (As Amended on 30 June 2016) (2016)
ARMENIA - Second Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Constitution (In Particular to Chapters 8, 9, 11 to 16) (2015)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Mode of Election of Delegates to the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016)
CROATIA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Voters Lists (2007)
GEORGIA - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Election Code as of 8 January 2016 (2016)
GEORGIA - Joint opinion on draft amendments to the Election Code and the Law on Political Associations of Citizens (2022)
GEORGIA - Joint Opinion on the Election Code (2006)
GEORGIA - Opinion on the Unified Election Code (2002)
GEORGIA - Urgent Joint Opinion Revised Draft Amendments to the Election Code (2021)
HUNGARY - Joint Opinion on the 2020 Amendments to the Electoral Legislation (2021)
MOLDOVA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on Changes to the Electoral Code (2016)
MOLDOVA – Urgent joint opinion on the draft Law no. 263 amending the Electoral Code, the Contravention Code and the Code of Audiovisual Media Services (2020)
MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Election Code (2008)
MOLDOVA- Opinion on the Election Law (2003)
MOLDOVA- Opinion on the Law of the Gagauz Autonomous Territorial Unit of the Election of the Governor of Gagauzia (2007)
THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA- Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (2006)
THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA- Joint Opinion on the Revised Electoral Code (2011)
TÜRKIYE - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Legislation and Related "Harmonisation Laws" Adopted in March and April 2018 (2018)
UKRAINE - Joint Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Laws on Election of People's Deputies and on the Central Election Commission and on the Draft Law on Repeat Elections of Ukraine (2013)
UKRAINE - Opinion on the Draft Law Amending the Law on Election of People's Deputies of Ukraine Presented by People's Deputies Lavrynovych and Portnov (2009)