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Article 37

1. The members of the Precinct Electoral Commission are appointed by members of the respective Territorial Electoral Commissions, according to the principle of one member of the Territorial Electoral Commission – one member of the Precinct Electoral Commission.

2. To form a Precinct Electoral Commission in accordance with the above-mentioned procedures, members of the Territorial Electoral Commission submit applications to the Chairman of their commission not earlier than 24 and not later than 21 days prior to the voting date, until 6 p.m.

3. In the event if the Precinct Electoral Commissions are not formed in the above-mentioned procedure, the Chairman of the Territorial Electoral Commission fills in the vacancies of the commission within three days. The composition of the Precinct Electoral Commission is filled so that the number of members is not less than 9.

4. The first meeting of the Precinct Electoral Commission is opened by the Chairman of the Territorial Electoral Commission at the precinct center, on the next day of the formation of the commission, at 12:00 p.m. and is chaired by the eldest member of the Precinct Electoral Commission.

5. At its first session, the Precinct Electoral Commission elects the Chairman of the commission, Vice-Chairman and the Secretary from within its members.

6. The elections of the Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen and the Secretaries of the Precinct Electoral Commission are held in the procedure established for the election of the Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission, within two days time.

7. In the event if the Precinct Electoral Commission, within the dates established in point six of this Article, does not elect the Chairman of the commission, the Chairman of the relevant Precinct Electoral Commission is appointed by the Chairman of the Territorial Electoral Commission, not later than two days after the formation of Precinct Electoral Commissions, from within the members of the relevant commission.

8. Authorities of the Precinct Electoral Commissions are terminated seven days after the official publication of the election results, in case there is no Court dispute over the election results. In the event if there is a Court dispute