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Article 133

Summarization of the Election Results of the Candidate Nominated for the Community leader

1. Based on the data of the summarization protocols of voting results of the community leader, the Territorial Electoral Commission summarizes the election results and in accordance with the procedure and time frame established by Articles 62 of this code, adopts one of the following decisions:

1) On the election of the community leader;

2) On recognizing the election of the community leader as invalid;

3) On recognizing the election of the community leader not held.

2. The candidate, who has received maximum "yes" votes, is considered as elected. In case one candidate is running for elections, he/she is considered as elected, if he/she has received more than half of the votes of the voters. In the event when candidates running for community leader receive an equal number of votes, the community leader mandate is decided by drawing a lot in accordance with procedures established by the Central Electoral Commission.

3. Elections of the candidate nominated for the community leader are recognized as invalid, if the amount of the inaccuracies influencing the number of votes excludes the possibility of determining the elected candidate, or if in the course of preparation and conduct of elections such violations of the current Code occurred, that might affect the results of the elections. In the event of recognizing the election of the community leader as invalid, fourteen days after the election, in the procedure established by this Code and with the same composition of candidates repeated voting is held.

4. The elections of the candidate nominated for the community leader is considered as not held, if:

1) The only candidate running has not received the required number of votes for being elected;

2) The elected candidate has died before the election results have been summarized;

3) As a result of the repeated voting, some bases for recognizing the elections of the community leader as not held have become available.

5. Within two hours after the decision on the election of the community leader has been adopted, the Chairman of the Territorial Electoral Commission forwards a notification to the Central Electoral Commission and the relevant governor.

6. The decision of the Territorial Electoral Commission on the results of the elections of the candidate nominated for the community leader can be appealed to court within three days after it has been adopted.

7. In the event if the court has ruled to recognize the election of the candidate nominated for the community leader invalid, fourteen days after the decision has entered into legal force, repeated voting is held in the procedure established by this Code, with the same composition of candidates.

8. Repeated voting with the same composition of candidates can be held only once.

(Amend. of March 23, 1999 LA-286; July 31, 2002 LA-406-P).Unofficial publication 46e