Home > 2 Organising the elections > ARMENIA- Final Opinion on the Amendments to the Electoral Code
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The lack of confidence in the objectivity, impartiality and transparency of electoral administration has been noted in most election observation reports in Armenia. A major reason for this has been the imbalanced representation of different political forces on the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) and the Territorial Electoral Commissions (TECs). The amendments change the provisions on the formation of the CEC and the TECs. According to Article 35 of the Code, the members of the CEC are appointed as following:


one member by the permanent body of each party having a faction in the National Assembly; in case of party alliances – by the majority vote of permanent bodies of the parties in the alliance;

one member by the President of the Republic;

one member by the Board of Chairmen of the Republic of Armenia Courts from the judges of the Republic of Armenia Universal Jurisdiction Court;[1]

one member by the Cassation Court from the Cassation Court judges.