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Article 55

Ensuring Equal Status for Candidates During Their Nomination.

All candidates shall have equal rights and duties.

The following actions shall be considered an abuse of position or official duty for getting superiority by this Code:

to engage state or municipal officials who are subordinate employees with an activity which assists to be nominated as a candidate or to be elected during their business hours;

to use buildings, where state bodies or municipalities are located, for the activities assisting to nominate a candidate or to be elected if all candidates or registered candidates cannot use them with the same conditions;

 to use communication, information and telephone services which ensure activities of state bodies, state organizations or municipalities for the purposes of collecting signatures and election campaigning;

to use transport, which is state or municipal property, free of charge or with privileged conditions for the activities assisting to be nominated or to be elected (above mentioned circumstances do not concern the persons who use transport in conformity with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on state protection);

to involve state or municipal officials in collecting signatures or election campaigning during the period of their business trip;

 to use mass media mentioned in Article 77.1 of this Code for collecting signatures or election campaigning with privileged conditions.

The following cannot implement charitable activates during the election campaigning processes:


political parties and blocks of political parties which have nominated the candidate, and their authorized representatives, as well as their founders, owners and proprietors;

founders, owners and proprietors

legal entities who are persons or organizations mentioned above;

other physical or legal entities that are functioning on the request or task of persons mentioned above.

Persons and organizations mentioned above shall be prohibited to offer rendering financial and material assistance to other physical and legal entities, rendering financial and material assistance or services to voters or organizations. Individuals and legal entities are prohibited from implementing charitable activities on behalf of political parties, blocks of political parties, their authorized representative and candidates or with the purposes of supporting them.