Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > SERBIA - Joint Recommendations on the Laws on Parliamentary, Presidential and Local Elections and Electoral Administration
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Paragraph 61
61.  Article 72 “a” introduces mobile voting as an optional voting procedure. One concern with this article is that it permits a request for mobile voting to be made as late as 11:00 hours on election day which places a substantial burden on election administration and could hinder observation efforts of mobile voting. Further, this article does not limit the grounds for mobile voting to physical incapacity, infirmity, or some other reason that prevents a voter from physically travelling to the polling station. The OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission recommend that Article 72 “a” be amended to: (1) require all requests for mobile voting be based on the fact of physical incapacity, infirmity, or some other valid reason that prevents a voter from physically travelling to the polling station, (2) state that all procedures for identifying a voter, issuing and marking a ballot, and for observation are applicable to the mobile voting procedure. Further, the number of persons who have used the mobile ballot box should be recorded in the polling station protocol and successive protocols and tabulations by election commissions.[11]