Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > AZERBAIJAN - Final Opinion on the amendments to the Election Code
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Paragraph 31

The proposal to amend Art. 106.2 so as to provide for the obligation of PEC to announce and record in the result protocol the number of envelopes found in each box immediately after the count of the envelopes in the ballot box has been completed has not been considered by the authorities. The CEC instructions for the count should provide next for mixing the envelopes from all boxes before starting to open the envelopes one by one in order to determine the validity of the vote.


22.          To add the following sentence in Article 104.6 after the words “upon receiving the ballot paper” and to Article 105.2 after the words “verify this with his/her signature”: “The person who issues ballot paper to voter shall put a stamp indicating the voting date on the voter’s card”.