Home > 2 Organising the elections > AZERBAIJAN - Final Opinion on the amendments to the Election Code
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Paragraph 35

 The OSCE/ODIHR and Venice Commission recommendation[6] to shorten to 24 hours the deadline for publication of preliminary results is partially implemented by amending Art. 109.1 with a provision obliging CEC to publish the unified voting results of the ConECs within 2 (instead of 5) days starting from the voting day. Analogously, the deadline for publication of the results per PS by ConECs in Art. 109.3 is shortened to 24 hours (instead of 2 days) after the polling day. The obligation for immediate publication (not necessarily waiting for the expiry of the 24 hour deadline) of the preliminary results of elections (voting) per PS in the constituencies is commendable.  


27.       Articles 112.2 and 112.3. to be given in the following edit:


112.2.  The persons indicated in Article 112.1 of this Code may submit their complaints to the superior election commissions.


112.3.  If complaints of the persons indicated in Article 112.1 are initially not considered by a superior election commission, consequently they can file complaints on the decision or the action (inaction) of the constituency election commission to the Central Election Commission, and on the decision or the action (inaction) of the Central Election Commission to the Court of Appeal.