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Article 40

 Determination of Election Results by the Territorial Election Commission

40.1 The Territorial Election Commission summarizes all information based on the protocols of election results received from the Precinct Election Commissions and determines the results of the election in its territory, not later than 2 days after election day.

40.2 Members of the Territorial Election Commission directly summarize the information from the Precinct Election Commissions’ protocols. The Territorial Election Commission prepares a protocol on the results of the election and this protocol contains information about:

the number of precincts in that territory;

the number of protocols transferred from the Precinct Election Commissions and

summarized information from the protocols completed by Precinct Election Commissions (mentioned in the 39th article of this law).

40.3 The protocol of the Territorial Election Commission is completed in 3 copies (using carbonised paper) and is signed by all members of the Territorial Election Commission. A table which consolidates all information from the Precinct Election Commissions (in the relevant territory) is attached to this protocol. Results of voting are recorded in this protocol in both words and figures.

40.4 If a Territorial Election Commission member does not agree with the protocol or some parts of it, he/she can add his/her opinion to the protocol, and this is noted in the protocol.

40.5 To the first copy of the protocol are attached complaints and (applications) about violations of this law received by the Territorial Election Commission, and decisions made by the Territorial Election Commission in respect of these complaints ( and applications). Approved Ccopies of the complaints (applications) and approved decisions made by the Territorial Election Commission members are attached to the second copy of the protocol. The first copy of the Territorial Election Commission’s protocol is sent to the Central Election Commission with a final summary table not later than 72 hours after voting day after the protocol is approved.

40.6 The third copy of the protocol is displayed in the Territorial Election Commission office, according to the rules determined by the Central Election Commission, for the general information of observers and representatives of the mass media. The second copy of the protocol, with summary table and Precinct Election Commission protocols, and the list of observers and representatives of mass media who observed the preparation of the protocol and the process of determining the results of voting, is preserved by the secretary of the Territorial Election Commission until the Territorial Election Commission terminates its functions.