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Article 109

Annulment of Registration of an MP Candidate under Majoritarian System


1. Registration of an MP candidate under majoritarian system shall be annulled, if:

1) the candidate has lost his/her electoral rights;

2) a letter of self-withdrawal has been submitted;

3) in case of his/her death;

4) he/she violated the requirement of Paragraph 8 of Article 18 of this Code;

5) he/she violated the requirement of Paragraph 7 of Article 25 of this Code.

2. If registration of an MP candidate under majoritarian system is annulled, his/her electoral deposit (except in the case of his/her death) and the money remaining in his/her preelection fund shall be transferred to the state budget. If the registration is annulled because of the candidate’s death, the electoral deposit shall be returned to the candidate’s heirs.

3. Revoked

4. Revoked