Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > SERBIA - Law on the Election of Representatives
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Article 60
Ballots shall be both prepared and stamped by the Republic Electoral Commission.
The Republic Electoral Commission shall confirm the number of ballots, which must be equal to the number of voters enlisted in the electoral roll.
The Republic Electoral Commission shall control both the preparation and stamping of the ballots and determine the number of spare ballots.
All ballots shall be printed at the same location, on the paper protected by watermark.
The submitter of the electoral list shall inform the Republic Electoral Commission of the name of the person who shall be present at printing, counting and packing of the ballots, as well as of their delivery to the authorities responsible for carrying out elections.
In those municipalities where the languages of the national minorities are in official use, the ballots shall be printed in those languages as well.
The Republic Electoral Commission shall make the further regulations concerning the shape and appearance of the ballots, the manner and control of printing of ballots, as well as delivery and handling of the ballots.