Home > 1.1 Universal suffrage > MOLDOVA- Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code
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Paragraph 33

 More precisely, the Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters emphasises how strictly important it is that the voters register be permanent,[9] as well as regularly up-dated[10]. At the same time, the requirements for the voters lists to ” be checked with voters who are on the list, at their domicile”,[11] and to be updated every year ”on the basis of the specification made at the voters’ domicile”,[12] may result in practice that was previously criticised by the Election Observation Mission (EOM) of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. During the last local elections in Moldova, the EOM stated that the voters’ lists were checked via a “door-to-door” system just before the beginning of the electoral campaign, and found that this method of checking and updating voters’ register opens the possibility of creating lists of different formats, including handwritten lists, and thus affect their accuracy.[13] As noted also in the Final Report of the OSCE/ODIHR EOM to the 2007 local elections, efforts should be undertaken to ensure that voters lists are prepared in a uniform format all across the country and contain all the data required by the law.