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Article 92

Content of the ballot paper

The names of candidates for deputy, or mayor of a municipality or commune, are placed on the ballot according to the alphabetical order of their name.

The following are written on the ballot paper:

the name, patronymic, and surname of the candidate as it appears on the nomination documentation;

the name and initials of the party and/or coalition the candidate represents, or the word “independent,” is written  below  the candidate’s name.

The names of registered political parties or coalitions are placed on the ballot section for political parties or coalitions together with their initial letters as well as the initial letters of the name and the surname of the chairman of the political party, or the chairmen of the coalition member parties. When the participating parties of a coalition have decided to appear separately on the ballot paper, the name of the coalition is written first, followed by the name of the member party in the coalition. They are placed on the ballot paper grouped together one after the other. The order on the ballot paper is determined by alphabetical order, according to the name of the party or coalition. The order on the ballot for the member parties in a coalition which appear separately on the ballot paper is determined by the alphabetical order of their name.

The voter marks in the special place at the side of the name of the candidate or party  or   coalition, one of the signs “x” or “+” or another mark that clearly indicates the choice of the voter.