Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > SERBIA - Joint Recommendations on the Laws on Parliamentary, Presidential and Local Elections and Electoral Administration
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Paragraph 17
17.  Articles 33 and 36 of the law establish electoral administration bodies at just two levels, the Republican Electoral Commission (REC) and the polling boards (PBs). The REC operates on a Republic level and each polling board conducts the election in a single polling station. Unlike the Law on Presidential Elections, the Law on Parliamentary Elections does not provide for an interim level of election administration between the REC and PBs. Past elections in Serbia have shown that there is a clear need for a formal intermediary level of election administration between the REC and the PBs. The absence of such a level of election administration can lead to logistical and organisational problems for conducting elections. Inclusion of this level of election administration will also make the Law on Parliamentary Elections consistent with the Law on Presidential Elections in the area of election administration.