Home > 2 Organising the elections > SERBIA - Joint Recommendations on the Laws on Parliamentary, Presidential and Local Elections and Electoral Administration
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Paragraph 64
64.  Any person affected by a decision of the REC can appeal to the Supreme Court within 48 hours. However, the law does not expressly require that a copy of the REC decision be provided to every person who is affected by the decision. The OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission recommend that the law be amended to require that a copy of the REC decision must be immediately delivered to every person affected by the decision. The relatively short timeframe for lodging complaints to the Supreme Court begins from the moment that a contested decision was taken by the REC, raising the concern that, should the complainant not receive notification of the decision in a timely manner, it may be too late to appeal to the Supreme Court. The OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission recommend that consideration be given to extending the deadline of 48 hours to a longer period of time in order to take into account any delay between the adoption of a decision and the notification of the decision to the person affected by it.