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Article 10n

(1) The Central Elections Commission shall:

1. supervise the implementation of this Act, and shall exercise methodological management of the operations of regional and section elections commissions, and shall consider appeals against acts and actions of regional elections commissions. It shall announce final decisions thereon within 3 days and notify such decisions;

2. set forth the terms and procedures for participation in the elections of observers from this country and from abroad, and shall provide them with the respective document;

3. set forth by decision the terms and conditions for conducting election campaign in the national and local mass media;

4. supervise the conducting of the election campaign in the national mass media;

5. register observers of the candidates for President and Vice President and issue certificates thereto according to an established specimen;

6. assign by competitive tender the computer processing of data from the elections and the issue

of bulletin with elections results;

7. determine the number of ballot-papers by drawing lots.

(2) (Amended, SG No 59/1998) Decisions of the Central Elections Commission shall be subject to appeal before the Supreme Administrative Court within 3 days following their notification. The Court shall consider the appeal within 3 days of the receipt thereof at an open sitting, and shall summon the appellant, the Central Elections Committee and the parties concerned. The decision of the court shall be final.

(3) The regional elections commissions:

1. supervise the implementation of this Act on the territory of the election region and exercise control over actions of their section elections commissions, as well as over the timely and proper formation of election sections;

2. supervise the timely compilation and announcement of voter registries, as well as the issue of licences for voting elsewhere;

3. consider appeals against decisions and actions of the section elections commissions and announce their decisions within 3 days time period;

4. submit to the Central Elections Commission the protocols from section elections commissions;

5. control the conduct of the election campaign in local mass media.

(4) Decisions of the regional elections commissions shall be subject to appeal before the Central Elections Commission within 3 days of the announcement thereof. The Central Elections Commission shall consider the appeal within 3 days of its receipt and make decision, which shall be final and notified forthwith.

(5) Section elections commissions:

1. prepare, organize and ensure the free and peaceful voting at election sections;

2. count the ballot-papers, prepare in compliance with a specimen the protocols for voting results and submit them to the respective regional elections commission within 24 hours following the completion of voting;

3. consider appeals and decide on them forthwith.

(6) On elections day the instructions of the Chairman of the section elections commission shall be mandatory for all persons within the elections premises. These instructions may be repealed by decision of the section elections committee.

(7) The protocols of the respective election commission shall be signed by all members of the commission on each and every page. Any member of the commission who does not agree with the contents of the protocol shall sign it by stating dissenting opinion which shall be entered in the protocol. Where for some objective reasons a member of the commission is prevented from signing the protocol, that should be explicitly indicated together with the reasons thereof. The failure of a member of the commission to sign the protocol for some personal, political or other reasons shall not invalidate it.