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Article 32

Dismissal and discharge from duty of members and of a secretary of a CEAZ

1. A CEAZ member and a secretary are to be dismissed from duty by a CEC decision when they:

a) violate the provisions of this Code or of secondary legislation enacted pursuant to this Code, concerning CEAZ duties;

b) are convicted by a final court decision of committing a crime;

c) are absent without a reasonable cause for more than three consecutive CEAZ meetings, or are not present without cause for more than two consecutive days during the electoral period; or

ç) do not participate in the training or do not pass the tests organized by the CEC.

2. The members and the secretary of the CEAZ are discharged from duty by a CEC decision when:

a) they have a close relationship by marriage, or family relations to the fourth degree, with any of the candidates running in that zone;

b) they have employment relations with any of the candidates included in the multiname list of a party or a coalition running in that zone;

c) they no longer meet the criteria of being a voter;

ç) they no longer have their residence in the electoral zone;

d) the electoral subject that has proposed them requests their substitution.

3. A member and the secretary of the CEAZ is discharged from duty by the CEC, upon its own initiative or upon the proposal of the electoral subjects, only for the reasons provided in this article. In any case, the request for dismissal or discharge from duty should also contain the arguments and facts concerning the alleged violation. In the case provided in letter (d) of point 2 of this article, this rule is not applicable and the request is accepted in any case.