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Article 2

An appropriate place for putting out ballot papers shall be arranged adjacent to a vote reception point. If this is not possible, such a place may instead be arranged inside the premises. At this place, voters shall have access to

1. ballot papers with only election denomination,

2. ballot papers with party and election denomination,

a) for elections to the Riksdag and also municipal and county council assemblies for every party that at either of the two last elections to the Riksdag got more than 1 per cent of the votes in the whole of Sweden,
b) for elections to municipal and county council assemblies for every party that is already represented there and which does not satisfy the requirements
contained in a) above, as regards vote reception points within the county council or the municipality where the party is represented,

3. ballot papers with party and election denomination for elections to the European Parliament for every party that at either of the two last elections to the European Parliament got more than 1 per cent of the votes in the whole of Sweden or ballot papers with party and election denomination together with details of candidates if such a party only participates with one ballot paper.

The parties that participate in the election should also be able to put out their ballot papers at the same place.

The provisions contained in the first paragraph, items 2 and 3 only apply subject to the precondition that the party has made a request according to Chapter 6, Section 7.