Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > KOREA - Public Offical Election Act
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Article 44

(Preparation of Integrated Electoral Register)

(1) The National Election Commission shall prepare a single electoral register (hereinafter referred to as “integrated electoral register”) with copies of
computerized data of the electoral registers finalized in order to use at advance polling stations.

(2) When the National Election Commission prepares an integrated electoral register, it shall take technical measures necessary to prevent a single
person from casting votes twice or more. 

(3) The integrated electoral register shall be prepared with an electronic computer system.

(4) Each Eup/Myeon/Dong election commission shall print out the electoral register, prepared by the National Election Commission, taking technical
measures thereto after the end of the period set for advance polling under Article 148 (1) in order to use it at polling stations, and then the head of
each Eup/Myeon/Dong election commission shall put it into an envelop, seal and store it in a safe securely, while persons recommended by each
political party shall be permitted to witness the process of storing it in a safe. If a person recommended by a political party fails to make an appearance at the time of storing in such cases, such person shall be deemed to renounce his/her right to witness.

(5) No person shall inspect, use, or leak the electoral register printed out in accordance with paragraph (4) in any manner other than the manners
prescribed by this Act.

(6) The methods for the preparation of the integrated electoral register and the storage of the electoral registers printed out in order to use them at
polling stations on the election day and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by Regulations of the National Election Commission.

[This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 12267, Jan. 17, 2014]