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Article 72

Candidacy documents

1. Candidacy documents should be in compliance with the requirements of this Code and in the format specified in CEC instructions.

2. Candidacy documents should contain the following information:

a) a full list of candidates with the respective ranking, signed by the chairman of the party, or the proposal from the initiating committee of a group of voters;

b) the name, patronymic, surname, date of birth, gender, and address of the candidate, as well as a copy of his or her identification document;

c) a declaration from the candidate that he has the right and the will to be a candidate;

ç) a declaration from the candidate proposed by a group of voters that he/she will not be supported or support any electoral subject during the elections;

d) a list signed by the voters of the respective zone who support the candidate or party in accordance with articles 69, 70 and 71 of this Code.

3. For elections to local government organs, the requirement in letter (a) of point 2 of this article can also be signed by a person authorized by the party chairman.