Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > UKRAINE - Joint Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Laws on Election of People's Deputies and on the Central Election Commission and on the Draft Law on Repeat Elections of Ukraine
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Paragraph 28

III. Comments on the Text on the Draft Electoral Law 

B. Territorial organisation of elections

The CEC is required to make a decision on the change of boundaries and single-mandate districts not later than 175 days prior to the day of voting. As there are already existing single-mandate districts and the CEC only has to adjust boundary lines for existing districts as opposed to creating 225 new districts, consideration should be given to increasing the number of days in the draft electoral law to give political parties and candidates additional time to become familiar with the demographics of electoral districts prior to elections.[1]

[1] The Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters establishes in point II.2.B that “fundamental elements of electoral law, in particular the electoral system proper, membership of electoral commissions and the drawing of constituency boundaries, should not be open to amendment less than one year before an election, or should be written in the constitution or at a level higher than ordinary law”. In point I.2.2.v, the Code establishes that issues relating to the distribution of seats should be reviewed “preferably outside election periods”.