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1. The Electronic Counting System (ECS) consists of the entirety of electronic and computer equipment and various computing programmes, through which the counting and evaluation of ballot papers, as well as the tabulation of the electoral result is done automatically and in dependently.

2. The ECS shall guarantee that:

a) it counts each ballot paper consecutively and without damaging it;
b) the processing of ballots by the device can be observed with a naked eye;
c) the evaluation of the ballot paper is carried out one time only, regardless of the number of scans run on the ballot paper;
ç) it counts and evaluates the ballots, regardless of the type of the body for which they are cast;
d) both sides of the ballots are scanned;
dh) it automatically calculates the election result for the relevant voting centre and the EAZ;
e) it processes and saves the data of the scanned ballots, grouped by voting centre;
ë) it saves the image of each scanned ballot paper;
f) it physically separates the evaluated ballot papers from unevaluated ones;
g) it displays on the screen the image of ballot papers unevaluated by the ECS and other data;
gj) it enables the recording of each decision-making of the CEAZ or remarks during the ballot counting and evaluation process, in accordance with this Code, and saves auditable records regarding them;
h) it generates tables of results for each VC, EAZ, and a report with the decision-making records of the CEAZ processed in the ECS;
i) it saves all decision-making records and any data processed by the ECS for six months from the end of the elections, in accordance with the specifications of the normative act of the CEC. The processed data and the image of the ballots scanned in ECS are used for administrative investigation during the phase of the examination of appeals.