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Article 25

25.1. The Central Election Commission shall ensure preparation and holding of presidential elections, elections of deputies to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as referendums and municipal elections. in case elections may not be conducted due to military operations in a state of war, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall apply to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan pursuant to i part of Article 84 and Vi part of Article 101 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

25.2. The Central Election Commission shall carry out the following general duties:

25.2.1. provide for the observation of people’s right to suffrage during preparation and holding of elections (referendum), carry out the measures related to financing of elections (referendums), and ensure the equal and correct application of the relevant Articles of this Code.

25.2.2. consider within its authority the complaints related to violation of rules set forth in this Code, and make grounded decisions.

25.2.3. structure Constituency Election Commissions in accordance with its own formation principles.

25.2.4. supervise the activity of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions;

25.2.5. establish standards for technical equipment necessary for the activity of election commissions, approve those standards and supervise their implementation and observation;

25.2.6. ensure the delivery of ballot papers (referendum ballots) (hereinafter the ballot papers), envelopes for ballot papers, protocols, de-registration cards and other election (referendum) related documents (hereinafter “election documents”) to the Constituency Election Commissions;

25.2.7. ensure preparation and holding of elections (referendums), implement training programs related to the development of the election (referendum) system, increase the legal awareness of voters, instruct and provide professional development programs for election commission;

25.2.8. create conditions for pre-election campaign for candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocs of political parties and conditions for pre-referendum campaigns for referendum campaign groups, within the territory of an election constituency; approve the unified regulations for distribution of air time among registered candidates, political parties, blocs of political parties and referendum campaign groups, and specify the rules for publication of election and referendum results;

25.2.9. distribute funds allocated from the State budget for preparation and holding of elections (referendums), and supervise their spending for the specified purposes;

25.2.10. render legal, methodical, technical and organizational assistance to election commissions;

25.2.11. approve samples of ballot papers, envelopes for ballot papers, voters’ lists, de-registration cards, voting protocols and other election documents, and ensure their preparation and protection;

25.2.12. approve the rules for maintenance of election materials and their storage in archives;

25.2.13. approve standards for providing election commissions with technology and supervise their observation; approve samples of seals of election commissions;

25.2.14. supervise funding of pre-election campaigns; 25.2.15. provide voters with information about the timeframe and rules to exercise voters’ actions, and the course of elections (referendums);

25.2.16. supervise the provision of election commissions with premises, transportation and communication means, and solve other logistic issues related to the elections (referendum);

25.2.17. compile an integrated voters’ list in conjunction with relevant executive authorities and municipal bodies; 25.2.18. get information from relevant executive authorities and municipal bodies on issues related to preparation and conduct of elections;

25.2.19. ensure use of the State Computerized information System on a basis of same rules;

25.2.20. register observers and provide them with badges of an appropriate design;

25.2.21. define its own regime of routine work, pursuant to Articles 28.1 and 28.5 of this Code;

25.2.22. cancel illegal decisions of election commissions, present information to the relevant commission with regard to the chairmen and secretaries of the election commissions not appropriately fulfilling their responsibilities; and 

25.2.23. implement accreditation of exit-poll organizations, determine rules for accreditation of these organizations.

25.2.24. carry out other responsibilities in accordance with this Code.

25.3. Within its authority, the Central Election Commission shall adopt and publish regulations and methodical instructions regarding implementation of this Code. 

25.4. The Central Election Commission shall provide all election commissions with regulations and methodical instructions regarding implementation of this Code. Lower commissions shall post these regulations and methodical instructions on notice boards that ensure their easy readability, in the manner specified by the Central Election Commission.