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Article 103

103.1. When the Executive Secretary of the Institute knows of any facts that constitute causes for removal and considers that there is proof, he will, through the Technical Unit of Electoral Disputes, notify the local electoral councilor in question.

103.2. The noti f cation should include the location, day and time in which the hearing will take place; the acts or omissions that the councilor is accused of, the possible consequences and the right of this person to appear assisted by a defender. The notification referred to in this paragraph will be made in person. A period of no less than five and no more than f fteen days should elapse between the date of the citation and of the hearing.

103.3. After the hearing, the Electoral Councilor will be given a period of ten days to present the evidence that he considers relevant and that is related to the facts that he is accused of.

103.4. Once the admitted evidence has been examined, the Executive Secretary will submit the f nal statement with a draft resolution to the General Council of the Institute within the following twenty days.

103.5. The removal will require eight votes of the General Council of the Institute, which should notify the corresponding decision and execute the removal, without prejudice to any other sanction that may be imposed in accordance with the applicable juridical provisions.