Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > AZERBAIJAN - Election Code
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72.1. The registered candidate or referendum campaign group, or the political party or bloc of political parties that has registered a candidate, shall have the right to appoint an agent. The agents shall be registered by the relevant election commission that registered the candidate or referendum campaign group.

Agents shall be registered within 3 days of receipt of (i) a written application of the candidate, political party, bloc of political parties, or referendum campaign group to appoint an agent, and (ii) written consent of the citizen nominated to be an agent. The following information on each agent should be included in application and letter of consent:

• Surname, forename, patronymic;
• Date of birth;
• Work place;
• Occupation (type of activity if not working).;
• Home address; and
• Serial number and issue date of ID or substitute document.

The rules, defined in Articles 52 and 64 of this Code, shall be applicable to the relevant applications of political parties, blocs of political parties and referendum campaign groups.

72.2. Agents shall receive a verification badge from relevant election commission.

72.3. The agent shall conduct the campaign for election of a candidate or for a referendum and other activities to assist in election of a registered candidate. The agents shall have observer rights.

72.4. The registered candidate, political party, bloc of political parties, or referendum campaign group may at any time withdraw the persons appointed as agents and appoint other persons in their stead by informing the relevant election commission. If such notification is made, the election commission shall cancel the verification card of the withdrawn agent.
An agent may resign from his/her position and return his/her card to the relevant election commission at anytime on his/her own initiative. in such
a case, the agent must inform the registered candidate, political party, bloc of political parties or referendum campaign group on his/her decision.

72.5. The authorities of an agent shall commence from the day of registration by the relevant election commission, and expire no later than the day election (referendum) results are officially published, or the day when a final court decision is made in the case of investigation of complaints on violation of this Code (excepting the cases mentioned in Article 72.4 of this Code). The authorities of an agent shall also end when the status of candidates and referendum campaign groups represented by those agents is lost.