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Article 155

155.1. The applications made by citizens in the national territory that fail to comply with the obligation to come to the Institute office or module corresponding to their address to obtain the voter card no later than the last day of February of the second year after the application was presented will be cancelled.

155.2. In the case referred to in the previous paragraph, the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Voters will make a list with the names of the citizens whose applications have been cancelled, ordering them by electoral section and alphabetically, in order for these to be given to the representatives of the political parties accredited before the district, local and National Monitoring Commissions, as applicable, no later than on March 30 each year, for their knowledge and observations.

155.3. Those lists will be displayed between May 1 and May 31 in the offices of the Institute, so that it will take the effect of a courtroom notification to the interested citizens and that these have the opportunity to request again their registration in the Registry of Voters during the period of the intensive campaign referred to in paragraph 1 of article 138 of this Law or, where applicable, to lodge the challenge established in paragraph 6 of the article 143 of this Law.

155.4. The voter card forms of the citizens whose applications have been cancelled in the terms of the previous paragraphs will be destroyed before the respective monitoring commissions in the terms established by the Regulations.

155.5. In any case, the citizen whose application for registration in the registry of voters was cancelled due to failing to obtain the voter card in the terms of the previous paragraphs could request his registration again in the terms and periods mentioned in articles 135, 138 and 139 of this Law.

155.6. The voter card forms of the citizens that requested their registration in the registry of voters or that made any updating request during the two years before the election, and that were not picked up by their owners during the period legally established for this, will be protected according to the provisions of paragraph 6 of article 136 of this Law.

155.7. Also, the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Voters will exclude from the registry of voters the citizens that have informed about their change of address through an application that includes their signature, fingerprints, and photography. In this case, the exclusion only concerns that related to the registration of the previous address.

155.8. In the cases in which the citizens have been suspended from the exercise of their political rights by a judicial decision, they will be excluded from the Registry of Voters and the nominal list of voters during the period of the suspension. The Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Voters will reinstate to the Registry of Voters the citizens who will have their political rights returned once it is noti f ed by the competent authorities, or when the citizen certifies with the corresponding documents that the suspension has ceased or that the political rights have been reinstated.

155.9. The deceased citizens will be excluded from the Registry of Voters, provided that their decease is proven with the documents from the competent authorities or, failing this, through the procedures established by the National Monitoring Commission.

155.10. The documents relating to the changes made in the Registry of Voters will be under the custody and responsibility of the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Voters and its committees, for a period of ten years. Once this period has passed, the National Monitoring Commission will establish the destruction procedure for these documents.

155.11. The documents referred to in the previous paragraph will be kept on digital means by the Executive Directorate of the Federal Register of Voters and its committees.