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Article 126

The right of initiative for holding the local referendum belongs to the local representative bodies and the citizens of the Republic of Belarus permanently residing in the territory of the respective region, district, city, city-district, settlement, or rural council.The citizen express their initiative in the form of a proposal put forward by at least 10 per cent of the citizens possessing electoral right and residing in the respective territory.

If the citizens put forward the initiative to hold a local referendum, they form an initiative group from among the persons having the right to take part in the referendum, including the following number of members:

in a region and the city of Minsk – not less than 50 persons;

in a district, city or city district – not less than 20 persons; and

in a settlement or rural council – not less than 10 persons.

Documents on holding of the local referendum submitted by the initiative group and the issue proposed for the referendum are forwarded by the local executive and administrative body for conclusion to the respective regional or the Minsk City department of justice which verifies the compliance of the issue proposed for the referendum with the requirements of the legislation and the observance of the order of formation of the initiative group.

The issue proposed for the local referendum, with regard to the conclusion of the respective regional or the Minsk City body of justice, and the initiative group composition is registered by the respective local executive and administrative body.

Within 30 days of the date of application for registration, the initiative group is issued a registration certificate, a sample signature list, and members of the initiative group are issued the respective certificates.

Registration of the initiative group on holding the local referendum is denied in the case of violation of the requirements of this Code and other acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus.The denial may be appealed against within a month in district or city court.

If the executive and administrative body has established that the required number of authentic signatures have been gathered, the initiative group on holding the local referendum makes a final act and submits it to the respective executive and administrative body which hands it over to the local Council of Deputies.