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Article 133

(1) Parties shall present an application for registration o the Central Election Commission not later than 45 days in advance of polling day. Any such application shall be signed by the person representing the party according to the current court registration thereof. The application may alternatively be signed by persons expressly authorised by the person representing the party.

(2) The application referred to in Paragraph (1) shall state:

1. the full or abbreviated name of the party according to the court registration thereof;
2. the full or abbreviated name of the party as declared for printing on the ballot;
3. a request for registration to contest the elections;
4. address, telephone number and contact person.

(3) The party shall present, attached to the application for registration:

1. a certificate of legal status current as at the date of scheduling of the elections;
2. a specimen of the signature of the person representing the party;
3. a specimen of the [impression of the] seal of the party;
4. documentary proof from a bank on remittance of a deposit under Article 129 (1) herein: only upon elections of National Representatives, of President and Vice President of the Republic, and of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria;
5. (supplemented, SG No. 39/2016, effective 26.05.2016) a list containing the names, the Standard Public Registry Personal Number and manual signature of not fewer than 2,500 voters supporting the registration, affixed in the presence of persons authorised by the party; upon elections of Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria and upon elections of municipal councillors and of mayors, the registration of the party may furthermore be supported by voters who are nationals of another Member State of the European Union, with the lists stating the names, the Personal Number, the number of the residence certificate and the date of registration stated therein, and signature; each voter may participate in only one list; the list shall be delivered also in the form of a structured electronic image, stating the names and the Standard Public Registry Personal Number (Personal Number) of the voters who have affixed a manual signature, in the order in which they have been entered in the list;
6. a certificate issued by the Bulgarian National Audit Office under Article 37 (1) of the Political Parties Act on financial statements submitted by the party for each of the last three years and, applicable to newly registered parties, since the date of the court registration thereof;
7. a certificate of an active bank account to be used to service the election campaign;
8. the names and positions of the persons to be responsible for the financial resources raised and spend and the bookkeeping of the party in connection with the election campaign;
9. an express authorisation from the person representing the party, where the documents are submitted by an authorised person.

(4) The personal data referred to in Item 5 of Paragraph (3) shall be processed and provided complying with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act.