Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > BULGARIA - Election Code
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Article 213

(1) Machine voting shall be implemented with the help of electronic means.

The electronic system shall be designed, implemented and maintained in a manner which:

1. ensure an easy and understandable access to the mechanisms and methods of machine voting, including facilitated access for visually impaired voters or voters with ambulant difficulties;

2. offers voters step-by-step instructions for machine voting;

3. ensures information of identical size and quality about each party, coalition, nomination committee or candidate;

4. guarantees the secrecy of the ballot and a free expression of the will of the voters;

5. does not allow vote manipulating, as well as any other undue influence on the election process;

6. ensures a possibility for easy handling of the user software and in particular of the ballot;

7. conforms to the highest standard for quality and reliability of the hardware and software used;

8. does not require from the voter any special skills other than the skills necessary for the use of computer terminals;

9. guarantees that each voter casts only one vote and that each vote is saved and counted only once;

10. ensures maximum reliability of safeguards against external interference and unauthorised access, including against hacker attacks;

11. in case of interruption of the election process due to the occurrence of insuperable external circumstances, saves the data on the voting and allows a resumption of the said process after elimination of the said circumstances;

12. allows the summing of the results and the transmittal thereof in the form of an electronic image to the constituency election commissions or the municipal election commissions and to the Central Election Commission after the completion of the voting;

13. ensures integrity and secrecy of the information which is transferred by means of encryption of the data and protection of the communication links;

14. maintains an electronic log of the election process, recording all irregularities and deviations from the envisaged mode which have occurred;

15. guarantees easy maintenance of the hardware and quick elimination of technical failures as they occur;

16. allows monitoring of the election process by independent authorised bodies;

17. allows audit and verification on the part of authorised bodies.

(3) The Central Election Commission shall determine the technical requirements to the hardware and software part of the electronic system and shall give mandatory directions to the implementors of the hardware and software.