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Article 22

§ 22. Polling list

(1) The chief processor of the population register shall organise the preparation and printing of the polling lists for each polling division on the basis of the information held in the population register and shall organise the delivery of polling lists to the division committees by the day before the start of advance polls.

(2) The basis for the preparation of polling lists shall be the information prescribed in subsection 20 (3) of this Act, as at thirty days before election day. Upon preparation of a polling list, any changes made to the information specified in clauses 20 (3) 1)-5) of this Act later than thirty days before election day shall also be taken into account. Any changes made to the residential address less than thirty days before election day shall not be taken into account.

(3) A person shall not be entered in a polling list if he or she has been convicted of a criminal offence by a court pursuant to information held in the punishment register and if, as of thirty days before election day, he or she is to be imprisoned until election day.

(4) A voter shall be entered in the polling list of the polling division in the territory of which his or her residence, as entered in the population register, is located on the thirtieth day before election day. If the information on the residence of a voter is entered in the population register to the accuracy of the rural municipality or city, or in Tallinn to the accuracy of the city district, the voter shall be entered in the polling list of a polling division determined pursuant to clause 8 (2) 5) of this Act.

(5) The following information on each voter shall be entered in the polling list:

1) given name and surname;

2) personal identification code;

3) residential address.

(6) Voters shall be entered in a polling list in alphabetical order according to their surname.

(7) The person who prepares a polling list shall sign the polling list before the start of advance polls and the chairman of the division committee shall sign the polling list on election day after the close of voting.

(8) Polling lists shall be preserved permanently in the archives.