Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate
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Article 9 (1)

(1) Political parties, political alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities may associate between themselves only at national level, based on a protocol, forming an electoral alliance, with a view to participating in the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. A political party, a political alliance or an organisation of citizens belonging to national minorities may only belong to a single electoral alliance. The electoral alliance that has participated in the previous elections under a certain name may keep this name only if it has not changed its initial structure. Also, the respective name may not be used by another alliance.

(2) The protocol for setting up the electoral alliance shall be submitted to the Central Electoral Bureau within 48 hours of its setting up.

(3) The Central Electoral Bureau shall pronounce in open meeting on the approval or rejection of the protocol for setting up the electoral alliance, within 24 hours of its submission.

(4) The decision of the Central Electoral Bureau approving the protocol for setting up the electoral alliance may be appealed by any interested natural or legal person to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, within 24 hours of its pronouncement.

(6) The High Court of Cassation and Justice shall pronounce on the contestations stipulated in articles (4) and (5) within 24 hours of the registration of the contestation, by final and irrevocable decision.

(7) The other provisions of the present law referring to the political alliances shall also be applied accordingly to the electoral alliances.