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§ 48.2

General principles of electronic voting

(1) The electronic voting system administered by the State Electoral Office shall be used in electronic voting.

(2) A voter shall vote himself or herself. Under the conditions prescribed in this Act, a voter may change his or her vote cast by electronic means.

(3) The National Electoral Committee shall establish by a resolution: 1) the technical requirements for ensuring the general principles of the organisation of electronic voting; 2) the description of the organisation of electronic voting.

(4) The State Electoral Office shall: 1) approve the information security policy of the the electronic voting system, the electronic voting protocol suite and the technical guidelines for the electronic voting system; 2) organise the resolution of incidents hindering electronic voting pursuant to law; 3) approve the schedule and scope of testing the electronic voting system and the results of the testing and publish a report on the results; 4) organise the auditing of the electronic voting system in the course of which an information systems auditor shall audit the testing of the electronic voting system, the integrity of the system and the compliance of the acts of the State Electoral Office with the law, the resolutions of the National Electoral Committee adopted on the basis of subsection (3) of this section and the electronic voting documentation. [RT I, 06.05.2016, 1 - entry into force 01.01.2017]