Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate
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Article 32

(1) The electoral bureau of constituency shall acknowledge a candidature within 24 hours of its filing, by decision, which may be contested by the citizens entitled to vote, political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, within 48 hours of the display of the acknowledgement decision.

(2) The electoral bureau of constituency shall reject a candidature within 24 hours of its filing, by decision, which may be contested by the candidate or by the electoral competitors who put forward the respective candidature, within 48 hours of the display of the rejection decision.

(2-1) The electoral bureaux of constituency shall draw up minutes which mention the date and the time for displaying the decision of acceptance, or if the case may be, of rejection of the candidature.

(2-2) The candidatures put forward to several uninominal colleges, or for both offices of deputy and senator shall be null and void, except for the ones provided for in article 9 (11). ullity shall be found by decision of the Central Electoral Bureau.

(3) The contestations shall include the full name, the address and quality of the person making the contestation, the full name of the person whose candidature was accepted or rejected, explanation of the grounds of the claim, the date, and the signature of the person making the contestation, and the indication, if need be, of the person designated to represent this petitioner.

(4) The contestation and the appeal shall be made to the competent court, under the sanction of nullity.

(5) The contestations regarding the acceptance or rejection of the candidatures shall be settled within 48 hours of the registration, by the tribunal under the jurisdiction of which the constituency falls. The contestations against the candidatures for the constituency for the Romanians with the domicile outside Romania shall be settled by the Tribunal of Bucharest. The sentence shall be visibly posted at the seat of the court having pronounced it.

(6) They may appeal the sentence pronounced for the contestation within 24 hours of the pronouncement, to the hierarchically superior court. The appeal shall be settled within 24 hours of the registration.

(7) The sentence pronounced in the appeal shall be final and irrevocable.