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Article 54

( 1) If at the expiration of the time fixed for the receipt of nomination, the number of candidates nominated for an electoral division is equal to or less than the number of candidates that the voters in such divisions are entitled to return, the Commissioner shall return to the President the names of the candidates nominated as members elected to the House to represent that division and such return shall be published in the Gazette.

(2) If the number of candidates nominated for an electoral division be less than that which the voters in that division are entitled to return, the President on the return made to him in terms of subsection (1) of this section, shall issue a new Writ for the election of members to fill the remaining vacant seats in that electoral division, and if thereupon no candidates are nominated or if the number of candidates nominated is less than the number of vacant seats, the seats thereafter remaining vacant may be filled by the co-option of a member of members by the House and the President shall not issue a new Writ in respect thereof.

(3) If more than such number of candidates as aforesaid be nominated for an electoral division, the Commissioners shall cause a notice to be published in the Government Gazette over their signature stating the names of the candidates and the divisor for which they have been nominated. No person whose name has not been published in the said notice may be elected to be a Member of the House