Home > 2 Organising the elections > ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate
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Article 68

(1) The Government shall provide the necessary of statisticians in order to support the activity of the electoral bureaux, the Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reform, together with the Permanent Electoral Authority shall provide the necessary supplementary technical personnel, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Permanent Electoral Authority shall provide the supplementary personnel at the constituency electoral bureau for the Romanians having their domicile or residence abroad.

(2) For the time lapse allotted to the elections, members of the electoral bureaux and offices, statisticians, and temporary technical personnel shall be deemed seconded and shall be allocated an allowance set by Government decision. The presidents of the electoral bureaux, their deputies, and members shall receive the allowance since the date of drawing up of their appointment minutes.

(3) For the allowances stipulated in paragraph (2), only the income duty shall be withheld, owed, and transferred, according to the law.