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Article 59

(1) The political parties, not later than four days after the day mentioned in subsection (2) of section 58, shall have the right to object in writing to the Commission with respect to the appointment of any person as Assistant Commissioner on any of the grounds mentioned in subsection (1) of section 58.

(2) Where an objection is received by the Commission in terms of the preceding subsection of this section, it shall, not later than the next following day, call a meeting of the party delegates to discuss such objections.

(3) Any objection made in accordance with the preceding subsections shall be determined by the Commission. The determination by the Commission shall be final and binding on all concerned. Where after hearing such objections the Commission determines that a person nominated by a political party to be appointed as an Assistant Commissioner shall not be so appointed, the political party which had nominated that person shall have the right to nominate another person in his stead.

(4) The fresh nominations mentioned in the preceding subsection of this section shall be made immediately after the determination of all the objections. The times mentioned in subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall apply to objections to persons nominated as Assistant Commissioners in terms of subsection (3) of this section, and if any objection is received and upheld by the Commission, the Commissioner itself shall appoint another person to be Assistant Commissioner in hi stead and such appointment shall be final and no objection may be made in respect thereof.

(5) Upon final determination of all objections the Commission shall assign the Assistant Commissioners to the various polling booths, such distribution shall be made in such manner as to ensure that in each polling booth there is, at least, one Assistant Commissioner nominated by the Commission and one Assistant Commissioner nominated by each party contesting the election in that division

Provided that where a political party has not nominated a sufficient number of persons to be appointed Assistant Commissioners, the Commission shall only be required to assign, in respect of that political party' such Assistant Commissioners as have been nominated by it and appointed Assistant Commissioners.

(6) The Commission shall, within two days of the final determination referred to in the preceding subsection, cause a list to be published in the Gazette showing the name, address, identity card number and occupation of each Assistant Commissioner appointed, the polling booths to which each has been assigned, and indicating the Assistant Commissioners who are assigned but held in reserve.

(7) After the final distribution of all Assistant Commissioners and up to the end of voting, the Commission alone shall have the right to substitute Assistant Commissioners and then only for grave and sufficient reasons in such manner as to ensure that where the Assistant Commissioner substituted is one nominated by a political party, his substitute shall be a person nominated by the same party, provided a sufficient number of Assistant Commissioners have been nominated by that party.