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Article 70

(1) Any voter wishing to vote shall attend at the polling booth, specified in the voting document received by him and shall deliver such document to an Assistant Commissioner at such polling booth during the hours appointed for voting.

(2) No person shall be allowed to vote unless he produces and delivers the voting document to the Assistant Commissioners.

(3) No inquiry shall be permitted at the time of voting as to the right of any person to vote, so long as the name of such person is included in the list referred to in subsection (l) of section 64 of this Act, but the Assistant Commissioners may, before the delivery of the ballot paper to a voter, put to him such questions as they may deem proper to satisfy themselves of the identity of such voter. All communications between the Assistant Commissioners and the voter whilst the latter is in the polling booth shall be made through the Chairperson of the Assistant Commissioners.

(4) The Assistant Commissioners, upon the production and delivery to them of the voting document and having satisfied themselves of the identity of the voter, shall strike out the name of the voter from the list aforesaid and shall deliver to him, after marking it with official marks, a ballot paper. Only the official mark of the Commission shall be required for the validity of the ballot paper.

(5) The Assistant Commissioners may at their discretion administer an oath to any voter in the form set out in the Eleventh Schedule to this Act.

(6) Any person refusing to answer any questions put to him under subsection (3) of this section or to take the oath referred to in subsection (5) of this section shall not be permitted to vote.

(7) The Assistant Commissioners shall not refuse a ballot paper to any person whose name is included in the list referred to in subsection (1) of section 64 of this Act and otherwise satisfies the requirements of this section, unless the person so claiming to vote, upon being questioned under this section, appears to the Assistant Commissioners not to be the person whose name is on the aforesaid list or to have previously voted at the same election.

(8) The Assistant Commissioners shall keep a written record of the taking of any oath administered to any person under this section, and of their refusal to allow any person to vote.

(9) Saving the provisions of section 77 of this Act no voter shall be allowed to vote except at the polling booth specified in the voting document produced by him for purposes of voting.

(10) A voter, who has inadvertently spoilt his ballot-paper may, on delivering the spoilt ballot paper to the Assistant Commissioner, and proving the fact of inadvertence to the satisfaction of the Assistant Commissioner, obtain another ballot paper in its place and the spoilt ballot paper shall be immediately canceled.