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Article 75

§ 75. Registration of alternate members of Riigikogu

(1) The National Electoral Committee shall register alternate members of the Riigikogu by a resolution. The National Electoral Committee shall forward the resolution to the Board of the Riigikogu.

(2) Alternate members shall be registered to the political parties whose candidates have collectively received at least 5 per cent of the valid votes nationally.

(3) Candidates shall be registered, by each electoral district, to political parties as alternate members for candidates who were elected in electoral districts and shall be ranked according to the number of votes received. If candidates receive an equal number of votes from the voters, the candidate who was positioned further towards the top of the list of candidates of the political party in the electoral district shall be positioned ahead. Unelected candidates for whom the number of votes cast amounts to at least 10 per cent of the simple quota of the electoral district shall be registered as alternate members.

(4) Unelected candidates for whom the number of votes cast amounts to at least 5 per cent of the simple quota of the electoral district shall be registered as alternate members for candidates who were elected on the basis of compensation mandates in the order specified in the national list of the political party, and thereafter the rest of the unelected candidates of the same political party shall be registered in the order of the percentage of votes calculated on the basis of the simple quota of the electoral district. If the percentage of votes of candidates is equal, the candidate who was positioned further towards the top of the national list of the political party shall be positioned ahead.