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Article 138

§ 1 In the event of surplus of funds raised for the purposes of the election campaign the electoral committee shall deposit the funds into the election fund of the political party.

§ 2 In the event of surplus funds raised for purposes of the election campaign, a coalition electoral committee deposit the surplus funds to the election funds of the political parties in the proportion set out in the coalition agreement, and in the absence of relevant provisions thereon, the funds shall be transferred to an organization of public benefit. The financial representative shall inform the competent electoral authority of the transfer of the surplus funds within 7 days from the date of transfer.

§ 3 In the case of acquired surplus funds for the campaign by electoral committees referred to in art. 88-90, these committees will transfer the surplus funds to an organization of public benefit. The financial representative shall inform the competent electoral authority of the transfer of the surplus.

§ 4 The amount of the surplus shall be determined following final affirmation (acceptance or rejection) by the competent authority of the financial statements, subject to the obligation undertaken referred to in art. 130 § 2.

§ 5 Transfer of surplus occurs within 14 days from the day:

1) service of the order of the adoption of the financial statements or

2) ineffective expiry of the deadline for lodging a complaint or an appeal referred to in art. 145, or

3) validation of a decision of the court - in the event of a complaint or appeal referred to in art. 145, or

4) the coming into force of a court ruling on the forfeiture to the state budget, financial benefits taken by the election committee in violation of the Code - in the case referred to in art. 149 § 5.