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Article 191

§ 1. The Head of the National Electoral Office shall manage financial resources allocated in the national budget for the National Electoral Office.

§ 2. Expenditure connected with day-to-day operations of the National Electoral Commission, other permanent electoral bodies and the National Electoral Office as well as grants for permanent tasks connected with organisation and carrying out of elections and referendums, ordered to territorial self-government units shall be covered from the financial resources mentioned in § 1.

§ 3. The Head of the National Electoral Office shall manage, within the scope stipulated in Acts, financial resources of the special-purpose reserve of the national budget intended for expenditure connected with organisation and carrying out of elections and referendums.

§ 4. Grants for territorial self-government units for performance of tasks connected with organisation and carrying out of elections and referendums shall be given to these units by the Head of the National Electoral Office or by directors of the organisational units of the Office acting on his/her authority.