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Article 241

§ 1 A complaint against the validity of elections to the Sejm shall be submitted in writing to the Supreme Court within 7 days from the announcement of election results by the National Electoral Commission in the Official Gazette of the Polish Republic. Submitting a complaint within this time limit through the public post is the equivalent to submitting it to the Supreme Court.

§ 2 With regard to the voters residing abroad or in on Polish maritime vessels the requirements listed in § 1 shall be deemed satisfied if the complaint is made to the competent consular officer or the captain of the ship. The voter is required to ensure that the complaint provides the notice of the establishment of his or her power of attorney (representative) resident in the country or agent for service resident in the country, otherwise the complaint shall be deemed null and void.

§ 3 The applicant must formulate arguments in the compliant and indicate the evidence upon which the complaint is based.